API Keys

Manage your API keys and rotate your secret for added security.

Rotate Secret


POST https://api.rdentify.com/v1/workspaces/<workspace-id>/apikeys/rotate

Rotating the secret for your API Key is a recommended security measure, although not a mandatory one. This operation revokes the existing secret and returns a new one.


  • <workspace-id>: Replace this with the workspace ID where the API key was created and has access.

Request Example

POST https://api.rdentify.com/v1/workspaces/<workspace-id>/apikeys/rotate
Authorization: Basic base64(API_KEY:API_SECRET)

Response Example

    "success": true,
    "code": 200,
    "detail": "Request completed successfully",
    "data": {
        "secret": "NWVjMTFjN2ItOTlkYS00Zjg2LWI5ZDItNDQ2YzZmM2Q3Y2U0NjM4MzM4MTk3NDAyMTMyMjY0"
    "meta": null

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